Yet the short-term responsibility to shareholders, promotions based on money earned fast, and the cutthroat work environment in the run up to and during the financial crisis set up a competing reward system that stood in contrast to the businesses 'stated moral code. 然而这些公开的道德准则和公司内部的激励体系却背道而驰,压力来自于对股东的短期责任、基于快速盈利能力的升职,还有金融危机前夕和危机期间残酷无情的工作环境。
In truth, nothing short of a total change of dynasty and moral code, in that interior kingdom, was adequate to account for the impulses now communicated to the unfortunate and startled minister. 的确,若不是他心内的王国已经改朝换代、纲常全非的话,实在无法解释如今支配着不幸而惊惧的牧师的种种冲动。
Talking about people behind their backs increases co-operation, upholds the moral code, punishes the selfish and rewards the unselfish. 在背后谈论他人能增进合作,弘扬道德准则,惩罚自私者并奖励无私者。
Ancestor worship is widely practised in Hong Kong owing to the strong influence of confucianism, which is not a religion but teaches a moral code based on human relations. 由于本港市民深受儒家思想影响,故很多人都有拜祭祖先的习惯。儒家思想虽然不算是一种宗教,但却宣扬一套以人际关系为本的道德标准。
Either you live by corporate rules, or by your own moral code. 你要么遵从公司法则,要么遵从个人道德准则。
You'll have to observe the moral code and the grooming standard here. 你必须遵守这儿的道德准则和衣着容貌规定。
So for you, a martial arts movie must have a moral code, otherwise it's just an action film. 因此对你来说,一部武术电影必须有一个道德法则,不然就只是动作电影。
A moral code is made up of the notions of right and wrong conduct held by a society. 道德准则是由社会对正确和错误行为所持的观念构成的。
And it is that conflict, as it were, between what we might call worldliness and innocence that is the core of Machiavelli's moral code. 可以说,正是那种冲突,那种我们可以称之为世俗理念与纯洁无知之间,的冲突,是马基雅维利道德准则的核心所在。
Instead, clearly define your own moral code and then stick to it whether or not others approve. 相反,而是清晰地定义自己的道德准则,然后不论别人是否认可都坚持。
Everyone lives their life by some sort of internalized list of values or moral code, but many people don't take the time to sort out what they really believe in. 每个人都在遵照某一份内化的价值观或道德标准生活,但是许多人没有花时间理出自己真正相信的是什么。
Akers is a committed vegetarian and he makes no apologies for the fact that he is evangelizing vegetarianism as a moral code for others. 埃克斯是一位坚定的素食主义者,他并不觉得把素食主义作为道德准则来向他人传福音有何不妥。
Most European legal systems assume a common moral code. 大部分欧洲国家的法律体系以一个普遍道德准则为前提。
Their active translation activities challenged the traditional moral code and helped them to join the life in the public sphere. 她们突破传统对女性的禁忌,积极参与文学翻译,从家庭私人空间走进了公共领域;
Five precepts constitute the basic moral code of Buddhism. 五种戒律构成佛教的基本道德准则。
Marked by a narrow-minded morality. For others, spirituality manifest itself as a concern for those around them, or adherence to a moral code. 而有的人则是通过关心周围人,信守某一道德准则来显示他们的精神力量。
An ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another. 对某群人比较严格的一种道德标准。
Buddhism contains an excellent moral code for monks and laity, but it is much more than an. 教为比丘和在家人制订了很好的戒律,但是它比一般的道德教学要求得更高。
He lives by a strict moral code. 他遵循严格的道德原则。
Can a moral man maintain his moral code in an immoral world? 一个忠诚的人可以在这个不忠的世界保持他的忠诚吗?
They wear hijab, not only in submission to God's order, but also because their inherent moral code is in full harmony with its philosophy. 她们戴盖头不仅是因为对安拉命令的服从,而且也是因为她们的内在道德尺度与哲学体系的完全吻合。
Acts or omissions which any moral code would censure cannot in a practical world would be treated so as to give a right to every person injured by them to demand relief. 道德准则所谴责的作为或不作为并不在现实世界的探讨范围内,以至于人们有权要求就其因此所受的损失给予补救。
Obedience to a strict moral code is central to such societies. 遵守严格的道德准则在这样的社会里是极其重要的。
The exposition ( often superficially) of a particular moral code. 对特定道德法规的(通常是表面上的)解释。
The person who bends to such an unjust law must break his own moral code. 屈服于这种不公正法律的人必须违反自己的道德准则。
Even in the bad old days, with what little material possessions they have, our ancestors have developed a civil society and a moral code, which are inclusive of women. 就算在坏的旧日子里,物质拥有那么的贫乏,我们的祖先仍然创造了一个包含妇女的文明社会和道德准则。
But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. 但是,他的首要任务并不是考虑支配自己行动的道德规范,就如同不能指望商人专注于探索行业规范一样。
Moral code and law belong to different legal categories. 法和法律分属于两个不同的法学范畴。
Moral code legalizes good faith, good faith is the law since is the king principle. 诚信原则乃道德准则的法律化,诚信本身就是法,帝王规则甲天下。
Lots of moral code and behavior principle of socialist morality are the results of inheriting and developing the excellent thoughts of traditional moral. 社会主义道德中的许多道德规范和行为准则,都是对传统道德中优秀思想的继承和发展。